Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A Morning/Mourning Incident

As I was buckling Wren into her car seat outside of Isla's preschool this morning, I handed her my key chain in an attempt to calm and distract her. She happily played with the keys, but managed to push the red emergency button, setting off a series of loud honking. I grabbed the keys, pressed a bunch of buttons to make the honking stop, then finished buckling and threw the keys to the driver seat of the car. THEN--- shut-the-door.

Well, of course in pressing all those buttons I had inadvertently locked the keys in the car. With Wren and our dog Toby inside. I didn't have my cellphone with me either, and our spare set of keys have been lost for weeks, so not only is my baby locked inside of a car, but I'm backed into a pretty tight corner. I tell Wren (my face pressed against the car window) I'll be right back and then I run into Isla's school building to call a locksmith. Lucky for me they are extraordinarily helpful at her school and end up calling the locksmith for me so I can wait outside, albeit between a chunk of glass and metal, with my baby Wren.

Two interesting things proceeded to happen.  I'd have expected Wren to sob her little heart out, but no, she listened to me talk with her eyes wide open the whole time. Not a single tear. I was so proud of her and her brave soul. AND-- TOBY! My, my. He was so excited by the strange event that he ended up jumping around in the car, from seat to seat like a Mexican jumping bean, until he somehow managed to hit my keys just right with his little paws and open car doors! It was a Christmas miracle! Toby, my goofy dog genius.

The locksmith, however, pulled right up and wanted to be paid anyway. I was so happy to have Wren back in the arms that it was worth it. He had driven all the way out, which is really 90% of the work when you consider how quickly they unlock cars anyway,  right?


Kendra said...

Ah ha ha ha! I love that your dog hit the unlock button. Hilarious! Dang it for having to pay the locksmith though. Oh well, at least it all ended up ok. :)

Morgan said...

Sweet Wren. :)

Stuff like locking keys in cars...or our most recent- locking ourselves out of the house, makes me want to run around screaming while pulling out my hair. Way to be chill!

gardeniagirl said...

Wow. What a dog! Almost makes me want one. Not really. But you should write to your local newspaper about your hero-dog.