Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Isla's Birfday

My baby girl Isla Quinn turned 4 this June 20th. In my experience, 4 is the age children shed all remaining layers of babyhood and become bona fide kids. It's a bittersweet transformation to witness. While  I love seeing Isla learn how write "Choc Milk" on my grocery list and ride her bike outside with Liam, I miss the baby fat that is melting off her body and I will miss her when she is gone four afternoons a week for preschool this September (!). Her birthday was held at the Olsen pond, and between both sets of grandparents, her local aunts and uncles, and her parents, her presents looked like the loot a couple might score at their reception. It was embarrassing! We love our family and I love seeing Isla smile over new books or new shoes, but I think we went a touch overboard this year. 

Anyhow, all that said, it was a very fun afternoon and I love my little girl so much. She is a rough Tom boy who loves to play baseball, wrestle, and wear her brother's hand-me-downs. She is funny and dramatic, always making Billy and I laugh with her growling "Come here my little dearie" and interpretive dance shows. Isla loves to give people things, even its her favorite doll or Barbie car, Isla will try her hardest to give something to whatever cousin or friend comes through our front door. I can easily say these last four years have been the best four years of my life, and there is no doubt being Isla's mom is one of the reasons I feel blessed. 


Jessica Clark said...

Ohhh Love it! MORE!

gardeniagirl said...

I love it! I can't wait to meet your children.

Morgan said...

Awww, remember how fun your birthday parties were as a kid?! She's going to have such great memories and being spoiled with a truckload of gifts isn't necessarily a bad thing. ;)