Monday, May 02, 2011

Sprained Ankle

     Remember how I broke my toe a couple of months ago? Now that it's mostly healed (even though it will probably never bend again) I've gone and sprained my ankle. The picture isn't that impressive, but it's gnarly in real life, I promise. I was carrying my macbook at the same time and shattered the lcd screen in the fall. The good news? Billy installed a new screen a day later so I didn't have to spend too many nights without my skinny white lover (macbook, not Billy) but as for my foot? Nah, not so much. That's what you get when you marry an engineer and not a doctor. He can only fix so much, I guess. 


Morgan said...

Oh wow! Becs, that looks awful! Are you limping around everywhere? I can't imagine trying to run after 3 kiddos with a limp!!!

Mary Jarman, LCSW said...

So you posted on facebook and it made me come check out your blog. :-) It's been a long time! Liam was a baby when we all finished up school. You have a beautiful family.

And the sprained ankle is actually quite impressive, but shattering a screen on a macbook even more impressive... Good luck healing both.


ang said...

The picture is very impressive. Ick!!

Liz said...

I didn't know you blogged! I'm so glad!