Monday, March 14, 2011

My little girl is learning to crawl


Amanda+Jonathan said...

Oh man. She's a cutie Becca. How are things going in the new casa? Looks like Wren likes it there!

gardeniagirl said...

So, she has dimples? I didn't know this before? I guess I just need to get on a plane and see your family before they grow up completely!

Morgan said...

That's so cute! My little niece who is just barely younger than Wren CANNOT crawl. She totally just does not get the concept at all. She's been standing and almost walking for like two months, though she's yet to take more than two steps without falling. It's so funny when she sees something she wants just out of her reach bc she has NO IDEA how to get it - just stares and whimpers. Hahahah - kids are cute.

Jessica Clark said...

Okay I found your blog almost the same way a blind person searches for a light was almost painful! Okay I LOVE the monsters project- super great idea to take a "scary" and turn into a non-threatening toy! BRILLIANT! Okay and Wren's Bam-Bam outfit is pretty flippin adorable